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"APPLES AND GUAVAS: Cuban Poetry and Canadian Art" International 'Zine Series

"Apples and Guavas: poesía cubana y pinturas canadienses" is an international artistic endeavor combining poetry and paintings between Cuba and Canada. The goal of the project is to release six editions in magazine format over the course of two years with limited printings. The six volumes will then be compiled and bound into a hardcover coffee table book format to be launched in Trinidad de Cuba and Ottawa, Canada in 2024.


Las manzanas y las guayabas son dos frutos con orígenes e historias diferentes enlazadas tal vez por la redondez cíclica de sus formas.  Una puede compararse con la delicia del invierno canadiense; la última fruta disponible en enero que mantiene su nitidez aun en el almacenamiento frío para más tarde ser sacada de un congelado bolsillo; la otra madura rápidamente en la empalagosa dulzura de una noche caribeña, regalando su azucarado jugo por corto tiempo antes de que el calor y la humedad comiencen su fermentación.

Estas series mezclan poesía cubana y arte canadiense como polinización cruzada entre estos dos frutos.
Esperamos que, como la vida en sí misma, las encuentres tentadoras!

Apples and guavas are two fruits with different origins and histories, perhaps entwined by the cyclic roundness of their forms.  One can be compared with the delicious Canadian winter, the last fruit available in January maintaining its crispness in the cold storage, later to be pulled out from a frozen pocket; the other matures quickly in the cloying sweetness of a Caribbean evening, giving its delightful juice briefly before the heat and humidity begins the fermentation.
This series blends Cuban poetry and Canadian art as a cross pollination of these two fruits.
We hope that, like life itself, you find them tempting!