Eduardo Nario Morell Bio and CV
Born on July 2, 1975 in Sancti Spiritus, Cuba.
Eduardo’s artistic interests led him to approach the Osvaldo Mursulí Casa de Cultura in that central Cuban city in 2005 for direction, and he began personal studies under the specialists of that institution.
By 2007 he had presented his first personal exhibition entitled "Time and Space", opening new doors as he deepened connections with the artistic field of the city. With a "minimalist" essence at the dawn of his career, he rose among local creators with an aura of unsurpassed skill at small format painting (miniatures) on canvas, with works as small as 0.2 millimeters. The miniaturist format had a revolutionary impact on the local artistic community, motivating creators to leave their comfort zone and solidifying friendship guilds among both artists and fans of the technique.
It was at this time that Eduardo met Yasiel Elizagaray Cárdenas who worked as an art instructor and took him on as his student to receive classes and instructions. This working relationship became a lasting friendship and they collaborators today. Eduardo joined Elizagaray’s project “Yasiel P.”, along with other self-taught creators in Trinidad, Cuba to carry out educational workshops and projects focused around specific painting techniques and themes.
Most recently, Eduardo has concentrated on the urban landscape as a leitmotif to apply impressionist techniques by which he incorporates city scenes and his love of classic American cars, focusing on Cuba as a "rolling museum."
Eduardo’s art may be judged in its favor, with postcolonial roots present in a creation that objectively presents ongoing complex matters of cultural identity, ethnicity, the fall from grace of colonial adventures, and a continuum of relationships between entities of “Us” and “the Other, all the while sweeping away zombie formalisms to freshly position his work with uniquely attractive tones and nuance for the final viewer.
2018 Galeria - Huron Azul, Mamcaragua. Villa Clara, Cuba
2017 Sala de Exposiciones "'Fidelio Ponce de Leon' Camagüey, Cuba
2015 Museo de la Constitucién de Guéimaro. Camaguey, Cuba
2015 Museo Pnmeta Constituciön Cuåimaro, Camaguey, Cuba
2014 Sala de exposiciones ICAP Camagüey, Cuba
2013 Decma Ilustrada- Galeria Benito Ortiz, Trinidad, Cuba
2011 La Grandeza de 10 Pequeäo. Casa Natal José Marti. Ciudad de Ia Habana, Cuba
2010 Galeria "Carlos Enriquez' Remedios , Cuba
2009 Sociedad Cultural José Marti, Sancti Spiitus, Cuba
2009 Salon "Mi Gallo" Galeria "Hugo Cortijo, Morón, Cuba
2009 Sala Expositiva de la UNEAC, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba
2007 Casa de Cultura Osvaldo Mursuli, Sancti Spiitus, Cuba
2018 Premio Xi Evento de Arte Mirmatura Sociedad Cultural Jose Marti Sancti Spiritus, Cuba
2017 Premio X Evento de Arte Miniatura Soctedad Cultural José Marti Sancti Spintus, Cuba
2016 Premio IX Evento de Arte Mimatura Sociedad Cultural José Marti Sancti Spintus, Cuba
2014 Premio Especial del Proyecto Perspectiva de Las Tunas en Guajmaro
2013 Premo Poesia Ilustrada"Fayad JamiS'Casa Cultura Sancti Spintus, Cuba
2013 Menciån Décima Ilustrada VI Evento Miniatura Sociedad Cultural Jose Marti
2012 Menciön del Proyecto Colibri ExposiciOn Regional de Arte Milmatura Sancti Spiritus, Cuba
2011 Premio del Proyecto Colibri de Camaguey. Salön Arte Mintatura Sancti Spintus, Cuba
2010 Premio Ill Evento Regional de Arte Miniatura. Soctedad Cultural
2010 Premio IV Evento de Arte Miniaturav Sociedad Cultural José Marti Sancti Spintus, Cuba
2008 Premio II Evento de Arte Miniatura. Casa de Cultura- Remedios, Villa Clara, Cuba