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Enrique Alfonso Rodríguez Bio and CV


Born April 1989  Havana, Cuba

Enrique Alfonso is a painter, draftsman, ceramicist and graphic humorist. His fascination for art comes from an early age thanks to his paternal grand mother, a fan of plastic arts. In addition to his native language Spanish, Enrique studied English and French in order to connect with more people.  At the age of 16 he began working in a ceramic workshop of a family friend, and three years later he started his own studio, allowing him to be linked full time to the world of art. He learned in autodidact manner in the field of arts, allowing him to participate in various art competitions.  In 2018, he met Valera or as he likes to call him "maestro" a plastic artist, who soon became his instructor, colleague and friend, giving him the push to start his first painting "Luz de luna ".  All of Enrique's paintings strives to tell histories. His work is loaded with symbolism, creating a kind of altarpiece in each of them, using familiar objects which many Cubans of fall generations have known or lived with, to tell the history itself.  Enrique aims to create a connection with the spectator, capturing human feelings on the canvas.
Enrique has had several personal exhibitions, as well as participated in collective exhibitions inside and outside of Cuba. He has won awards in national and international competition. He currently lives and work in Havana, Cuba. 

2021      Genesis   Galería Angelus Casa Yeti, Havana, Cuba
2020      Reflejos de lo Profundo   Galería de Arte Municipal de San Miguel del Padrón, Havana, Cuba
2005      Sueños de Barro   Galería de Arte Municipal de San Miguel del Padrón, Havana, Cuba

2022      CHROMA   Lucid Design District, Miami, Florida
2021      Tribute to Broselinda Hernandez   North Miami Beach Library,  Miami, Florida
2019      Exposición por los 500 Años de la Habana-Centro Provincial de Arte Plásticas y Diseño (Luz y Oficio), Havana, Cuba
2018      Exposicíon Colectiva de Cerámica “Yagruma en el Caribe” en el marco de XXVLLL Festival del Caribe, Galería Casa de Cultura, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
2017      Exposición Convocada por el Museo Nacional de la Cerámica Contemporánea Cubana Bienal de la Vasija, Galería Centro Ibero Americano de la Cultura, Havana, Cuba
2016      Exposición Colectiva “Reencuentro”  Galería del Centro de Arte Boyeros, Havana, Cuba
2015      Museo Nacional de la Cerámica   Contemporánea Cubana Bienal de la Vasija, Galería Centro Ibero Americano de la Cultura,  Havana, Cuba
2005      Sueños de Barro   Galería de Arte Municipal de San Miguel del Padrón, Havana, Cuba

2020      Mencíon    XX Salón Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico,  Santa Clara, Cuba
2019      Premio     El Mejor Amigo por los Resultados Artísticos  Comunidad Artística Creativa (YETI) UNEAC  Havana, Cuba
2019      Reconocimiento por la Labor Sociocultural del Municipio,  Havana, Cuba