Luc Mogni Original Art from Argentina

Born June 1, 1976 Buenos Aires, Argentina
1993 Graduated from the University of Lomas de Zamora with a degree in Advertising.
Self-taught visual art. Drawing and painting since childhood.
Currently director of the Almirante Brown Museum of Contemporary Art
For more details visit Luc Mogni's Bio page.
All pieces are available for purchase unless marked as Sold. If a price is not shown, please note the title and use the Contact Form to inquire.
ABOUT THE PROJECT: “THIS IS REAL” is a participatory artistic and social exercise whereby images of real life and situations throughout greater Buenos Aires are sent in by the public and reproduced in painted format.
The project arose during COVID times in a quarantined neighborhood in the southern suburbs of the city...a new era presenting new challenges, and a time requiring responsibility, care and above all solidarity.
"Since we cannot be intervening and walking the streets as I was used to doing, do due to the pandemic, why not do the opposite and bring the street, the neighborhood to paper, canvas, wood, and whatever might serve in support of this series of works."
From an initial effort involving painting street scenes gleaned from deep-zoomed observations of Google Maps images, the project quickly evolved into a campaign using social media publications and physical stickers in neighborhoods by which the public is invited to send captures, photos or videos, which are voted weekly on Instagram, with the winners painted.
The latex and acrylic paintings of this "CONURBAN" series brings us real contemporary images of life in the suburbs…different daily scenes that in some cases surpass the best of fiction or imagination, while reflecting the very folklore of the neighborhood, its essence, its DNA.
"My work is a witness to current reality. Making these worlds visible and addressing them culturally is a first step forward for these times. Today the neighborhoods and their people have to be more united than ever; sharing our real lives in this way can help to create support networks, connect art with the neighborhood, reinforce our culture and strengthen our shared identity."