"TOM IS A BOY, MARY IS A GIRL: MEMORIAS DEL JARDÍN" Cubanocanadian Presents a Joint Canada - Cuba Exhbition Opening March 20th in Trinid, Cuba
Posted on February 08 2018
Cubanocanadian is proud to present our first joint Cuban-Canadian exhibition in Cuba opening March 20th, featuring the artwork of Cuban artist Guillermo Esquerra Diaz and Canadian artist Kurt Walther.
"TOM IS A BOY, MARY IS A GIRL: MEMORIAS DEL JARDÍN" will run for two weeks at the CASA DE JOVEN CREADOR in Trinidad de Cuba, and will move to Ottawa, Canada for a repeat showing there later in the year.
Curated by Trinidad Gallerist Michel Garcia Magaroño with critic Atner Cadalso González, with production and catering by Cubanocanadian's Cuban manager Yurién López Reyes, the exhibition will feature 12 new recent pieces by each of the artists.
"La obra de Guillermo Esquerra involucra una concepción holística y fractal de la realidad observada. Iteraciones en un plano complejo que definen patrones cromáticos y relaciones de recurrencia, cargados de simbolismo y energía. Detrás de sus personajes de múltiples rostros, líneas entremezcladas y el contrastante de colores brillantes, asistimos a una especie de fiesta psicotrópica que recuerda el arte de los indios huicholes de México o las decoraciones rituales de los aborígenes australianos..."
"In an effort to project the inner world of the psyche and thus "manifest the soul",
the series by Kurt Walther practices, through simple pictorial gestures derived from the randomness of the stains of paint on paper, a joyful creative game that generates life in shape of trees, cities, characters and animals that inhabit a universe in constant vibration, in a perpetual movement of transformations and disturbing metamorphoses. Observing its "drippings" and colored spots contoured by subtle lines of black ink, there emerge a variety of rhythmic patterns and subtle visual melodies that reveal a certain musical influence."
Guillermo and Kurt are thrilled to present their work together in Trinidad from March 20th to March 30th.